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Þðèé Àíòîíîâ, Ëó÷øèå ëèðè÷åñêèå
Audio CD
Disk ID: 1687526
Disk length: 1h 18m 11s (22 Tracks)
Original Release Date: 2002
Label: Unknown
View all albums by Þðèé Àíòîíîâ...
1. Çåðêàëî | 3:36 |
2. Ìîðå | 2:43 |
3. Äâàäöàòü ëåò ñïóñòÿ | 3:36 |
4. Ìî¸ áîãàäñòâî | 2:34 |
5. Êðûøà äîìà òâîåãî | 2:36 |
6. Âîò òàê áûâàåò | 3:21 |
7. Íå ãîâîðèòå ìíå ïðîùàé | 3:54 |
8. Íà óëèöå êàøòàíîâîé | 4:11 |
9. Ïåðåóëî÷êè Àðáàòà | 4:05 |
10. Íå çàáûâàé | 3:51 |
11. Áåëûé òåïëîõîä | 3:20 |
12. Îò ïå÷èàëè äî ðàäîñòè | 4:08 |
13. Õìåëüíàÿ ñèðåíü | 3:40 |
14. Ñíåãèðè | 2:33 |
15. Òåáå | 4:09 |
16. Ó áåð¸ç è ñîñåí | 3:30 |
17. ß èäó ê òåáå íà âñòðå÷ó | 3:46 |
18. 18 - íîó íýéì | 3:55 |
19. Àíàñòàñèÿ | 2:54 |
20. Íåñ¸ò ìåíÿ òå÷åíèå | 4:05 |
21. Êàíèêóëû | 3:25 |
22. Äîëãîæäàííûé ñàìîë¸ò | 4:05 |
Note: The information about this album is acquired from the publicly available resources and we are not responsible for their accuracy.
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