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Album cover artwork search for music files

You can search for album cover artwork and save it into your music files easy. TagTuner finds album cover artwork along with other album information like album title, song names, release year, and lots more. You also can rename music files with received information in any of your favorite ways.

In the current version you need to have all the album tracks placed in one folder because the searching process is performed by sending the track lengths to a server. Just like it is mentioned in the renaming files article, first you have to select the folder with your RIPed album tracks.

album cover artwork search buttons

For your convenience the album information and album cover artwork search can be performed in two ways. The first method is for the case when one folder contains tracks from only one album. Here you do not need to select any files, you just have to click Tools | Find Album Info | Entire Folder or press F3 shortcut key. However, if the folder contains tracks from some other albums you have to select files from only one needed album and click Tools | Find Album Info | Selected Files or press Ctrl+F3 shortcut key.

The search dialog that appears will make an attempt to connect to the TagTuner server. In case of successful result you will be offered several found albums similar to the one you required. Choose one of them to review the album cover artwork, title, song names, and genre. You can also load your own album cover artwork or paste it from clipboard. For example an image received from the scanner.

At the same time you can rename the song names by clicking the Rename files by template checkbox, as well as change the tag case, just click the Tag Case button and select one of the automatic conversion modes.

After all has been set you just have to click the Write button to save the received information and the album cover artwork.